Need of the hour -6

Best Manager, to a SMART MANAGER!!


Management is the art of getting things done by others. Well! Even before we get the work done by others, we should rather prefer to tighten our belts to do the work ourselves. I personally feel hands on experience will be the recipe for any successful achievement. This is what we should first adopt as a prospective manager. I believe, what makes us different from others is our pragmatic approach towards our endeavors. Even before we call ourselves the best manager, we should like to be a smart manager first. Smart manager according to me is the one who is:

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Achievable

R – Realistic

T – Timely

To analyze our smartness in tune with the need of the hour, this is what we should adopt at every level of our work: we should be specific in adopting reasonable thinking while utilizing the resources around us properly and most efficiently.  

While exploiting the wealth in any form we should focus on measurability towards the welfare of manpower. Here, we should ensure to put the 4 M’s of management – Men, Money, Material and Machinery, to proper use. Judicious and Judgmental utilization of resources means putting scarce resources to optimum use. This is where we can believe both micro and macro levels of thinking is required. At the micro level, we should ensure labor is efficiently employed and at macro level we should wrap up the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) of the organization. 

To achieve success, a manager has to ensure that growth and development is happening in parallels and more importantly – in the realistic sense putting careful and measured steps towards success. We should take care to see that every step is in the right direction while shouldering the responsibility of our organization. Here, we should be responsible for our company as a company secretary. We should press and pronounce, as a secretary to our company, and tell ourselves that I personify myself as a representative of my organization.

We should take care of timely employee involvement in the decision making process. This will help the company to move from the level of a small firm to the level of an Industry.  To measure success and reward of our employees, we better look at every activity from the perspective of ‘I’ to ‘We’ and move towards ‘Me’ to ‘We’. Here our forces and efforts should be from energy to synergy and move towards empathy. Synergy means team work and empathy means stepping into the shoes of others and understanding their problems. Finally as a manager, we should be a part of the SMT (Senior Management Team) of the organization. From this level, we should never forget that my attitude will make me the best manager to a smart manager. So we need to take care to see that our altitude never changes our attitude. What if we include every person in the company for taking decisions, this will enhance self esteem of the employees and increase productivity. 

To conclude, we need to think globally and act locally. As a manager, we have to ensure that there is Innovation, Inspiration, Involvement and Imparting to all the staff at every stage in the organization. 

So, a manager should constantly try to be a Best Manager, or rather a smart manager!!


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