Need of the hour -20

Best way towards HEALTHY LIVING…


Revathi’s three-year-old Rohan is longing to have a coke every time he is thirsty. In the beginning Revathi was very glad that her little one has a liking for a particular taste. Slowly when she realized that in place of plain water, Rohan preferred a coke, she was worried. So every time he insists, Revathi had to give in. So is the case with the six-year-old Aditya and Monica’s ten-year-old Manisha.

Sunanda a ninth grader from KV school states that coke or Pepsi is always stocked in the refrigerator. Whereas Divya of class four from KV school loves fresh fruit juice made at home. Children largely felt that ready to consume drinks are easily available at home and fresh juices aren’t.

Children started preferring aerated drinks always for plain water. Even a much tastier and a homemade fresh fruit juice do not stand a substitute to these tastes. Is this because of the brand ambassadors of the advertisements or the taste itself? Today’s parent has a tough time inculcating good tastes and eating habits to their children. Do we have to blame the easy foods available or the media and modern life styles adopted by most of us?

So the shift in the tastes of the children is due to the easy availability of the branded drinks. If mothers plan a little, fresh juices are not far away. They can be easily made and stocked in the fridge. By this we not only encourage healthy eating habits but also restrict our children from going for an aerated drink, whenever they are thirsty.

Shifting the tastes is tedious but it’s worth it .Any way, try these:

  • Fresh lime juice made at home is more refreshing. So are watermelon, mosambi & grape juices.
  • In place of aerated drinks children can be encouraged to eat fresh fruits.
  • Tender coconuts and sugar cane juice can be a better alternative.
  • Encourage children drink buttermilk and lassies.
  • Still if you are forced to give in, remember to check the date of manufacture of the bottled / canned drink – they can prove to be hazardous after expiry dates.
  • It is nice to inculcate the habit of eating fresh fruits in place of juices. This not only is filling and healthy habit but also occupies the Childs free time.

The pandemic times have even proved, cold beverages and stored preserved foods are always hazardous to health.

How about drinking lots of sweet matka water along with fresh juices at home?

Beat the heat this summer with health drinks.


Ms. J.P.Bharathi
{M.Com, M.Phil, PG Dip in Psychotherapy & Counselling, MS (Psychology & Counselling), Certificate in Astrology}PSU,
Facilitator, Senior Lecturer, Corporate trainer, Writer & Student Counsellor

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