Need of the hour -22
C-SEE- SEA, Yes! See the change!
There are many women organizations, which are tremendously contributing to the upliftment of women. The day is not very far when Women will be considered and recognized for their commitment and virtues. For all the humiliation suffered by women, no doubt MEN can be held responsible. But there is another sincere reality which cannot be definitely ignored. WOMEN themselves are responsible for most of their situations. The jealousy, secrecy and the nature of withholding things and information also are directly responsible for women’s own situation.
It is generally observed that whenever both men and women work in an organization, women are no doubt respected, bearing a few instances. But totally women dominated organizations tend to act against women themselves in most of the situations. For certain reasons women should stop blaming men and strive for their own progress. Come, instead of blaming, can we
try and think differently.
Let us take few exemplary Women in our society-
Sudha Kulkarni is a living legend and a first female engineer hired by (TELCO). She has never missed any opportunity to recognize her potential fully not only in her career but she also nourished her hobbies and found ways to keep herself positively engaged. She has set an example and proved that if women are allowed to live a content life she can become a great contributor to the Society.
Dr.Sudha Murthy, who is a versatile personality, socially responsible and innovatively plans to implement all the CSR activities through Infosys Company. So women of all age groups, social status, regions, religions, and the world at large proved to be role models at every stage in the society.
Malala Yousufzai sets the best example for women who are into unexplained consequences. She campaigned for girl’s rights and education under threatening circumstances where Taliban still wants to assassinate her.
The Pepsico CEO Indira Nooyi proved that she is able to survive in this position only because she is putting on 20% to 30% more efforts compared to men. Her constant guilt of not able to spend quality time with her family is far more highlighted than her achievements.
Hellen Keller and Sudha Chandran proved that physically or mentally challenged women too are great contributors to the Society.
Salwa Fatima female pilot from Hyderabad was born to a sales man in a bakery store. She never dared to share her dream to become a pilot but could find an empathetic philanthropist who helped her realize her dream.
Salwa’s message to all underprivileged girls’
Keep 3 C in mind
- Courage
- Confidence
- Continuous support from family
“I did my multi engine rating from new Zealand with the support of my husband as I took my daughter along with me so that I will be near her when she was only a year old.
I did my advance type rating on airbus320 in Bahrain by taking help from my mother as I took her my daughter and mom along with me”.
Syeda falak, hailed as a golden girl in martial arts, won the gold medal at the kai senior national karate championship in 2019. She has rightly nailed on the impact of society that distracts athletes in achieving success. She never felt festivals, celebrations and cultural dominance can deter her from her goal.
All the female achievers who brought laurels to the nation like Sania Mirza, Mary Kom, Mithali Raj, Saina Nehwal, Geeta Phogat, Sakshi Malik, P.V Sindhu and Deepika kumari were among such privileged girls who could get an opportunity to showcase their potentials. India is in need of such philanthropists and more and more people from privileged backgrounds come forward to help such achievers, the real unsung heroes.
Most of talents in India are getting flushed out in streets and slums and privileged living in comfort zones can hardly contribute in Nations development.
In the globalised world the opportunities available have tremendously increased. A person living in any remote area has access to almost any part of the country and the world at large. The casual and interesting hobbies, which an individual developed in her child hood, can be tactfully converted to be a business opportunity. Indian Women have come long way breaking the bubble created around them and are proving themselves on global platform like Gita Gopinathan the first Indian woman to be appointed by International Monitory Fund is an outstanding economist as well have got great leadership skills. She carries the feather in her cap for being selected as a permanent member at Howard’s economics department.
Women should not only think more confidently and should not lose their vision and direction.
Opportunities do come. To ensure that women can retain these opportunities certain things should be assured, A WAY FORWARD
Training in entrepreneurial attitudes should start at the high school level through well-designed courses that build confidence through behavioral games. This exercise would illustrate practical application of the academic knowledge being imparted regarding management (financial, legal, etc.) of an enterprise. The curriculum should include simple project work designed to give hands on experience of assessing the marketability of a commodity or a service. Thanks to the New Educational Policy, this is taking this brilliant idea forward.
Flexibility is the in thing today especially for women. More and more women opt for convenient working hours so as to be able to do what they want and when they want. Understanding this line of thought there is sure need to provide women with more opportunities to do their work.
Ms Rachna Chhachhi started the ‘redforwomen’ site. This site brings amazing flexible opportunities to women and lots of women have benefited from this. The success and popularity of this site speaks volumes of the excellent entrepreneurship of its CEO, Ms Rachna Chhachhi RED means Real Easy Decisions. In redforwomen helps finding an area of work where an individual is completely satisfied with what she does.
Opportunity over Discrimination
Irrespective of all her contributions, there are many more areas that can need to be looked at. One being the succession and inheritance laws. For years, women in India have been discriminated against and denied the right to ancestral property due to various reasons. One, there is no uniformity in inheritance laws, with various religious communities governed by their own personal laws and different state tribal customary laws.
While women don’t name discrimination as a major issue, 53% of those surveyed said they had experienced it, with being underpaid the most-cited form. The old jokes about the boss chasing a female employee around the desk are a thing of the past but exist still in few workplaces.
“Discrimination has not gone away but, where it exists, it is losing its ability to demoralize and demotivate women,” Mr. McAlindon says. “Women are succeeding by becoming first and foremost an executive who happens to be a woman — not the other way round. Overall, women are concentrating more on opportunity than on discrimination.
According to a noted survey, Gender bias also shows up in attitudes, such as the fact that 41% strongly agreed that women in their company have an equal chance as men to reach the senior management level.
Flexibility seems the key, whether it’s taking time off for a child’s school function, or business travel or finding new challenges. Part of that could be thanks to the Internet. “Women are confident about their position in the ‘new economy’ and it could be that the greater flexibility offered by new ways of working better suits the needs and preferences of women,” says Mr. McAlindon.
87% women feel the new economy with internet connectivity makes it easier for women to network.
“The opportunities are greater now than at any other time: a lot of the old debates about women and work have moved on to how to make professional life work for all executives,” Mr. McAlindon says. The present multinational and BPO companies have changed the total work culture.”We would say women have never been so confident.
The saying “Behind every successful man there is a woman,” is widely accepted. But can we imagine the changed version of the same saying, “Behind every successful woman there is a man” Obviously all the new and encouraging factors will surely contribute for women development.
So, Let us try to C- SEE- SEA change in SHE with strong support and Successful mindset. So let us accept the changed women in 21st century.