The Soldier’s Mother

           -Mohan Das

The phone was ringing and it was a regular feature
Calling Doctor Parimala, disturbing her short leisure !
This time it was not for her treatment to a person suffering
But to injure her with saddest news causing herself suffer !
It was from Army source to inform her son’s demise among the squad,
During a deadly bomb blast by the enemy in war field .
The news was so shocking that she became a frozen mountain,
Instead of bursting out like a volcano emitting anguish of lava.
Slowly she started thinking in deep what her life would be!
Dr. Parimala, a qualified and reputed Doctor , most wanted
In many hospitals for her skilful and valuable services.
She lost her husband long back in Army service
And now her son , a cheerful youth too , again in this field
Days were going on and one day she found answer to her quest
Immediately she addressed the Army source with a request
To take her in some service, mentioning her qualification,
Decades experience as doctor adding her unvarying determination
To serve in Army and thereby the Soldiers like her son
Who joined Army just for their zest to serve the Nation,

Staying far from families and missing motherly love
Fully knowing the fact that it was perilous one
With full of tension during period of escalation
Not knowing the danger from where it comes by enemy
Might be during broad day light or at the dankest night
Not fearing the scorching Sun or piercing weapon
Freezing chill or intermittent rain !
Their only aim being protection to Mother Nation !
The entire scene when visualised in mind
The Soldier’s Mother decided her future life
To be with the brave Sons of Nation.
They require more the caress and motherly love,
To share their pain during period they suffer
To cure the physical wounds on physical body
And to keep them out from mental trauma
With motherly affection and doctor’s care
Which she couldn’t give to her son in time of need!


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