Tempest of time (poems)

-Kondapalli Niharini

Translated by Elanaaga

19. P.V., You Are the Renown of Telugu

A huge natural wall stood as a revolution
The whole story of the steps is a war field.
Many have set traps but couldn’t catch the lion,
your intelligence that is!

When truth, virtue had no value,
were unable towithstand,
you turned into a dazzle of finesse.
The poesy of your heart is a modern epic of India;
you were a guide to the uplift of humanity.
You put the nation on the podium of the universe,
made it shine brightly.

Becoming a bridge between nations,
you got on to the dais of Non-alignment;
became a thunder of flow as a rill.
You were the spring, the river, the typhoon.
An abode of peace in the dreadful heat as well.

Nobody gets a post or erudition easily;
you grew tall as an ideal P.M.
To be a human is difficult, it is said.
Scenic beauty resided in you.
You were a great treasure for the illiterate;
an ideal man for pundits.

Collective is a forte for individual
Your invincible persona is
a wonderful shower of knowledge.
Some taunted you saying you’re a
Telugu man from Telangana;
you showed them your pluck,
made your value known to the world

Carried in the anthology on P.V.
Also in Satyam News channel – Kaviprapancham


(To be continued-)

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