Need of the hour -51

India/ Bharat ..Its Future..


           India is undoubtedly a home for the maximum poor people in the world countries. According to statistics, India is a home for 1/3rd of the world’s poor population. Though it is the fastest growing economy, poverty runs deep through the country. Along with this problem, we also face
1. Urban, rural, differences
2. Educated, uneducated differences
3. Technology savvy and non-technology savvy group of people in our country.
That means, the problems and differences are no doubt multiplying. If we do not stop corruption at the top level, The poverty situation in India continues to pose challenging situation, which is going to threaten not the poor but undoubtedly the middle class and the elite community. Corruption and looting of banks by the top level management is destroying the faith on our government missionary.

           India or Bharat is facing innumerable problems in the hands of different communities, religions and also from outside the country. It is no different from what it has faced before Independence in the hands of Mughals and Britishers.

           Despite all threats, India is still going strong on its Hindutva, and richest cultural heritage. With changing technologies, life styles and family ties, the youth of the country has to look back with pride towards its glorious past and inherit the same to carry it forward. This is the only way our country can uphold its ethnic roots and make a place in the global world.

           The need of the hour is not accumulating wealth, but eradicating poverty and improving educational standards, so that our future generations will be safe on this earth.



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