Bruised, but not Broken (poems)

-Challapalli Swarooparani 

25. Corn Picker

I only know how to lose
But never to gain again
My womanhood an affliction.

I gather troubles at every step
As each heaves himself up
To his palanquin
By stepping over my head.

I am Soopanakha
Who ensured Rama stayed monogamous
The queen Prameela
Who made Arjuna stand a conqueror.

Jhalkari Bai
Who made Jhansi Laxmi
An invincible warrior, yet did not find
Even a shy mention
In the list of patriots.

I am Nangeli
Who sliced away her breasts
For a piece of cloth
Refusing to pay the tax
On her blooming bosom.

I rode the road
And turned into a pool of blood.

Though I nursed the Lord’s child
At my breast
I could never become a ‘mother’
To the little fellow.

I am the gifted servant maid
That followed my lady
From her mother’s place to husband’s
An object, an instrument.

I am the picker of
Fallen ears of corn
Who never ever reaped the harvest
Though labouring hard since
The planting of the seed.

I am an untouchable among women
A woman among untouchables
Whatever the place or time
I know how to loose, not claim!

(Telugu: “Parigapilla”, translated by N.R.Tapaswi and published on Face Book Timeline of the author.)


(To be continued-)

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