Wait For Me

-English Translation: Nauduri Murthy

-Telugu Original: “Naa Kosam Vechi Choodu” by Sivasagar


the song that was snapped by noose
the incarcerated cataract
the wounded footpath
the breath of life, and
the sonority of violin
I return
I resurrect
Look for me
Wait for me
the sensitive grain of sand,
Summer’s first drop of rain
the open veins of the flute
the ultimate star on the expansive sky
the cheering furrows on the forehead
the whistles of the wind, and the lukewarm sun
the scents of the soil and from the deepest depths
I return
I resurrect
Wait for me
Wait for me!
At the knell of the parting day
As henna paints the palm red
As the passionate ocean leaps up to the horizon
As the twinkling stars sing silent hymns, and
As the ship bids adieu to the port
I return
I resurrect
Look for me
Wait for me
birds burnish the branches with their lays,
the deciduous leaves unfold the lessons of life
my songs get drenched in mother’s milk, and
almost everyone forgets that I had ever existed
I return
I resurrect
Wait for me
Wait for me
sky leans over the earth
Alexandrian Laurels lie scattered
street lights collectively commit ‘jauhar’, and
tears of vaults turn to wildfires
Look for me
Wait for me
I come
I resurrect
the woods of bland lies are chopped down
river Godavari embraces her comrade
death knell tolls for the body politic, and
people’s resolve flutters as red flag
Look for me
Wait for me
I come
I resurrect
Condemn the white lie that I was encountered
Boycott the Memorial Day fraud celebrates in my name
Play my minstrelsy in every hamlet and habitat.
I am not going to die
No noose can snap my life.
I proudly resurrect through your tears
I shall walk down the winds of solar flares
I shall play the flute breathing life into it
Shall play symphonies on violin at day-break
Shall shake hand with the sea on high tide
And unfurl as flag on the tower of prosperous world.
Look for me
Wait for me.
I come
I resurrect
My name is Victor Mortis
Look for me
Wait for me.


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