In the midst of the no-moon nights
English Translation: Pulikonda Subbachary
Telugu Original : Jupaka Subhadra
I am the miller (Mixer) which mixes cement and stone
In my pouring tears
My hamlets of untouchables
Roaming in the city in hunt of food
They stand in addas* with hungry eyes
Looking for a work-call
We are dogs while fighting with dogs
At garbage bins for food
It is the game of chess where we are pawns
We are the Jogavvas*
We are the Matammas
We are the ulcers of perennial pain
Our sufferings are thousand footed centipede
They go on forever
Burying of our sufferings…When?
*Adda is a central point in a street or a street corner where all labourers meet and wait in standing for patrons to engage them for that day. Such vantage points are called addas in Telangana.
* Jogavvas and Matammas are women of untouchable castes spared to the service of God. They are initiated in a ritual in a temple. This is still in vogue in many Telangana villages