
Upaasana- Amazing Grace!

Amazing Grace! -Satyavani Kakarla We are surrounded by inspirational people, of all genders and ages. Some really make a difference, move you to transcend in a special way just hearing about them in several places, in person and in thoughts. Few weeks back, social media was rolling, filling space with one such human being – […]

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Upaasana- The Pandemic!

The Pandemic! -Satyavani Kakarla Another quarter has passed… Covid scare is lurking from several months, beginning the start of 2020 till now and forecasted into future. What a year it has been. Trust all are taking good care, your loved ones, emotions, and the community at large and surroundings. Things changed for all of us, […]

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Upaasana- Nature Photography Day!

Nature Photography Day! -Satyavani Kakarla It was June 15th, a day called on us to celebrate and remind many things and it should, which we would otherwise take it for granted. One of the eventful reminders among others was coined Nature Photography Day; to reminisce and bring to awareness. Speaking of Nature around (will come […]

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Upaasana-The Pandemic,2020

The Pandemic, 2020 -Satyavani Kakarla Well, we all know, for once, we all are sailing on the same boat. The boat holding us many together, fighting a virus called corona and Covid disease. Who would have dreamt this would happen? The world changed on us. Stalling every movement, topsy-turvying activities on earth of human race, […]

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Upaasana-Travels and Experiences 2

Travels and Experiences 2 -Satyavani Kakarla The 2 week completely packed trip, 1st week of immersion in Divine darshans and settings, savoring Indian soil, mountains, Himalayas, Ganga river, forests, trees, temples, deities, pilgrims, walk on Lord Krishna’s Vraj Bhoomi soil @ Vrindavan and Mathura and then a bit of capital city Delhi tour. The 2nd […]

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Upaasana-Power of Tribe!

Power of Tribe! –Satyavani Kakarla Satsangam! Power of Tribe! Sanaatana Dharma! Power of Our Ancient Wisdom, Scriptures and Practices! The Energy and Synergy of like-minded people Groups! Thinking of our great Gurus like Sri. Adi Shankaraacharya, a recent episode of experience led me to reminisce a special serendipity moment from a past event… I happened to […]

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Upaasana-New Year 2020!

New Year 2020! -Satyavani Kakarla Resolutions! Reflections! Visions! 2020, here we come! Its already the time of the year, the reckoning time, be it the end of a passing year or the beginning of a new. Days, weeks, months, years, decades pass away as we keep watching. We cannot catch them, but sure we make […]

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Upaasana-Now Moments!

Synchronicity Moments… -Satyavani Kakarla Now Moments!  Nature on Canvas, Canvas and Artist in a Photograph in Nature, All in Nature! Prakriti! It was one of those quiet, serene, ‘Now’ moments I intercepted with… well-deserved and well received, I think. During a short vacation away from home in spring, as hubby and I stepped outdoors embracing […]

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Upaasana-Synchronicity Moments…

Synchronicity Moments… -Satyavani Kakarla Synchronicity Moments; What are they? How do they show up in our life and timeline? What do they mean to you? Everyone of us experiences those moments, some call them ‘synchronicity’, some call them ‘by chance’ and ‘coincidence’. Some folks are intuitively more aware of such moments, make meaning from them, […]

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Garden Meditation Day

Garden Meditation Day! –Satyavani Kakarla Thanks to the New age movement that although most of us have become too familiar with the word meditation, the most commonly and ignorantly used term, it still remains an enigma, a paradox… Going to the etymology of the word ‘meditation’, it derives from the Latin root meditatum, meaning to […]

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Fabric of Life

  Fabric of Life -Satyavani Kakarla It’s the story of two kind hearts, my dearest and my beloved, Amma (my mother) and husband… “Stories are how we think. They are how we make meaning of life. Call them schemas, scripts, cognitive maps, mental models, metaphors, or narratives. Stories are how we explain how things work, […]

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