
INTO FORTY (Telugu Original “InTu nalabhai ” by Dr K.Geeta)

INTO FORTY English Translation: V.Vijaya Kumar Telugu Original : Dr K.Geeta Thousands of miles for Forty × times life We cross Hills and Dales and even Seven Oceans Hourly work-hourly wage- Years of immigrant life struggling for existence Who talks with you? Who shares with you? Who comes along with you? At every moving step […]

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Queen with no crown (2nd Annual Issue Competition Poem)

 Queen with no crown (2nd Annual Issue Competition Poem) -Sri sreya kurella To every drop of tear around her , she kept her hands together  to hold , where she let her every single tear drop , to fall on her motherland . she grabbed all the broken souls around her into her arms,  where […]

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Mother (2nd Annual Issue Competition Poem)

Mother (2nd Annual Issue Competition Poem) -Sasi Inguva When I spot you waiting for me in the same place, Under the Banyan tree with an angelic face, As I rush out of the school, I know I’ll be alright When I come home and lay my head on the pillow of your lap, While you […]

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Faces (2nd Annual Issue Competition Poem)

Faces (2nd Annual Issue Competition Poem) -Suchithra Pillai I saw a face today Just a normal face I don’t know who he was  Neither did he knew me But still we smiled Strange but true It happens to every one of you Thousands of faces we see daily Few we ignore, fewer we notice But […]

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Who Am I? (Telugu Original “Nenevvarini” by Dr K.Geeta)

Who Am I ? English Translation: Madhuri Palaji Telugu Original : Dr K.Geeta Present broke into pieces like the state Like the sky filled with clouds somewhere Lonely fear that doesn’t know the way And doesn’t know where to go Holding the heart tightly And making a decision dumbly The country’s division in forty seven […]

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War a hearts ravage-7 (Long Poem)(Telugu Original “Yuddham oka Gunde Kotha” by Seela Subhadra Devi, English Translation by P. Jayalakshmi & Bhargavi Rao

War a hearts ravage-7 English Translation: P. Jayalakshmi & Bhargavi Rao Telugu Original : “Yuddham oka Gunde Kotha” by Seela Subhadra Devi As we watched when did it become globe-gobbling python? Redefine history to know what is a nation. Have to– when another word for nation ceases to be humans. Now religion alone rules the […]

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Blouse (2nd Annual Issue Competition Poem)

Blouse (2nd Annual Issue Competition Poem) -Adarsh Myneni A marriage scene in the family  House glowing bright with relatives  The bride sad with her heart crying heavily  She was twelve , with dolls in her shelves .  She was forced to enter into a new world  About which she was totally unaware  Had to become a single mother , pain […]

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Bhagiratha’s Bounty and Other poems-6

Bhagiratha’s Bounty and Other poems-6 English Translation: T.S. Chandra Mouli Telugu Original : Kandukuri Sreeramulu 6.Battle Field Whether you are a child of sea or Infant Ocean you are ambidextrous! Protector of destitute!! Bosom friend!!! You guided gait of flowers in grass composed words for mute parrots trained waves of dreams in art of singing […]

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Our Orange Tree (Telugu Original “Maa Narinja Chettu” by Dr K.Geeta)

Our Orange Tree English Translation: Madhuri Palaji Telugu Original : Dr K.Geeta The orange tree in our backyard is a mother now With hundreds of beautiful oranges A lively tree filled with Complete motherhood Beautiful skin tone from head to toe Like it gave birth to morning rays Like all the colors decided And turned […]

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War a hearts ravage-6 (Long Poem)(Telugu Original “Yuddham oka Gunde Kotha” by Seela Subhadra Devi, English Translation by P. Jayalakshmi & Bhargavi Rao

War a hearts ravage-6 English Translation: P. Jayalakshmi & Bhargavi Rao Telugu Original : “Yuddham oka Gunde Kotha” by Seela Subhadra Devi Now, world’s war theatre has shifted to living rooms. When canon balls burst on city outskirts, flying-fleeing hawk claws snatch a dreaming babe’s life smiling in swaddling clothes. Then, not knowing for whom […]

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Candle to lavish torch

Candle to lavish torch -Sri sreya kurella she used to melt while every part of her  is falling down  little by littlelike a candle after setting on fire for a single time  now she gives you light only when you charge her  like showing attention daily and handle with lot of care  such as a lavish torch you left her with no heed and now she will give […]

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Bhagiratha’s Bounty and Other poems-5

Bhagiratha’s Bounty and Other poems-5 English Translation: T.S. Chandra Mouli Telugu Original : Kandukuri Sreeramulu 5.Demon Sea looks like sky on earth waves roll with undulations like clouds drifting daintily. Sun rays landing on breakers arrive as festoons of silver medals frequently vanishing for a while. End is not death in itself, a birth! Arena […]

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An evening in Rajamundry (Telugu Original “Rajamundry sayantram” by Dr K.Geeta)

 An evening in Rajamundry English Translation: Madhuri Palaji Telugu Original : Dr K.Geeta Rajamundry’s evening from the grey colored sky And filtered from each area becomes muddy The tracks host the full stomachs and empty stomachs From cold to hot, hot to cold, Rajamundry exhibition Mary Columbus keeps swinging Cricket ball settles Below the feet […]

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War a hearts ravage-5 (Long Poem)(Telugu Original “Yuddham oka Gunde Kotha” by Seela Subhadra Devi, English Translation by P. Jayalakshmi & Bhargavi Rao

War a hearts ravage-5 English Translation: P. Jayalakshmi & Bhargavi Rao Telugu Original : “Yuddham oka Gunde Kotha” by Seela Subhadra Devi Situations devious relentlessly surround us. Time to bring out truth and untruth cause for motivated and unmotivated action. Somebody must help to disrupt conditions which interrupt mankind’s peaceful living, her mind’s enlightenment, and […]

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Bhagiratha’s Bounty and Other poems-4

Bhagiratha’s Bounty and Other poems-4 English Translation: T.S. Chandra Mouli Telugu Original : Kandukuri Sreeramulu 4. Eighth Ocean Discarding mountain Parvati, Parameshwar performing Lasya and Tandava on earth signify green carpet is more elegant than Kailasa. Grass strolls not on soil wishing the earth remains unchanged this hue should spread so for kilometres all around […]

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Curries’ Life (Telugu Original “Koorala Bathuku” by Dr K.Geeta)

Curries’ Life English Translation: Madhuri Palaji Telugu Original : Dr K.Geeta Sheer under man, or man under sheet Even during the cyclone, it grumbles silently Old life to fill the tummy Sits all day along for ten cents Small basket of vegetables lead a big life From dawn Till dusk, The voice shrieks a cent […]

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War a hearts ravage-4 (Long Poem)

War a hearts ravage-4 English Translation: P. Jayalakshmi & Bhargavi Rao Telugu Original : “Yuddham oka Gunde Kotha” by Seela Subhadra Devi Tamed nations as minions made them guard your home, slept securely as unopposed warlord. Taught pets a few tricks, twirled time round finger tip desiring to spin world as top on it. Wearing […]

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War a hearts ravage-3 (Long Poem)

War a hearts ravage-3 English Translation: P. Jayalakshmi & Bhargavi Rao Telugu Original : “Yuddham oka Gunde Kotha” by Seela Subhadra Devi Earth like a fledgling bird wings folded in, caved into herself in the disturbed or disguised sleep through crescent eyes sees amid the sky, men, eyes without a wink, hang out by fear […]

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Dumbarton Bridge (Telugu Original “Dumbarton Bridge” by Dr K.Geeta)

Dumbarton Bridge English Translation: Madhuri Palaji Telugu Original : Dr K.Geeta There – Sky bends back and touches the feet with its head From a distance, it looks like an eagle bowed with its wings widespread As long as we travel on the bridge It looks Like water and soil are battling Like Godavari bridge […]

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Bhagiratha’s Bounty and Other poems-2

Bhagiratha’s Bounty and Other poems-2 English Translation: T.S. Chandra Mouli Telugu Original : Kandukuri Sreeramulu 2.Poet Who is majestic? Is poet prominent or ocean omnipotent? Facing a great poet an expansive ocean extends. King of syllables – poet Lord of waves- Ocean. A tree is ocean a crop too a hill as well spirit of […]

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Bhagiratha’s Bounty and Other poems-1

Bhagiratha’s Bounty and Other poems-1 English Translation: T.S. Chandra Mouli Telugu Original : Kandukuri Sreeramulu   Noise Within             How can the internal flow of Saraswati be displayed?How to pumpspring of sorrow surgingin layers of earth under layers of rock!Which device can showblood pressure of a volcanoracing through veins, arteries?Peacefullygenerouslycompassionatelyaffectionatelyis […]

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An Evening Where I Walk With Him! (Telugu Original “Athanitho nadiche sayantram” by Dr K.Geeta)

An Evening Where I Walk With Him! English Translation: Madhuri Palaji Telugu Original : Dr K.Geeta Whenever we step out of the house For an ‘evening walk’ My long lost Childhood friend Suddenly Stands in front of me An old Familiar smile Re-appears That hour where The one Who never Acknowledges my presence Becomes my […]

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War a hearts ravage-2 (Long Poem)

War a hearts ravage-2 English Translation: P. Jayalakshmi & Bhargavi Rao Telugu Original : “Yuddham oka Gunde Kotha” by Seela Subhadra Devi Humanity and inhumanity difference is of prefix alone, endless in practice, though. Blotting out filiations and affiliations appearing to uphold cultural summits, ridiculed social life, ignored the vegetation on ground. Scissoring thoughts, overzealous, […]

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War a hearts ravage-1 (Long Poem)

War a hearts ravage-1 English Translation: P. Jayalakshmi & Bhargavi Rao Telugu Original : “Yuddham oka Gunde Kotha” by Seela Subhadra Devi Gnawing pain pricking like sharp needle end tacking nerves along blood stream began flowing through human frame. Somewhere, now and then touching delicate nerve walls in its course strumming sensations, smarts and shoots […]

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Victory Behind Wings (Telugu Original Rekka Chaatu Gelupu by Dr K.Geeta)

Victory Behind Wings English Translation: Kalyani Neelarambham Telugu Original : Dr K.Geeta When I stand hanging in the mid-air with outstretched arms You are the tiny star that sprouted from deep inside my core Every step I walked holding you in my arms Every second I crossed Is wearing a mask of smiles Stifling the […]

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In Search Of (Telugu Original “Anvikshanam” by Rupa Rukmini)

IN SEARCH OF Telugu Original: Rupa Rukmini English Translation: Cv Suresh 1Some souls are ensnared so natural..In the undivided KnotsHammocked with love stringThat love …Is meant for neither jesting nor to abandon!! 2It incites you…Who hidden  in  the  inner souls  Some common confide subjectIn both of us…Make you to move.. either as a word or act…As soon as […]

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Poems of Vasudha Rani (Telugu Original “Kevalam Nuvve” by Vasudha Rani)

Kevalam Nuvve Telugu Original: Vasudha Rani English Translation: Kalyani Neelarambham I was taught to devote my life to do Your  bidding , but I didn’t know how . In all innocence I offered milk and fruits . But ,sadly , You never touched  them . You didn’t even look at my offerings So  lovingly kept […]

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Fight for Existence (Telugu Original by Rupa Rukmini)

Fight for Existence Telugu Original: Roopa Rukmini English Translation: Geeta Vellanki 1Whenever I see flower petals falling on ground,I re-check myself by keeping a hand on my chestif I ran out of emotions or what?! 2Human to human respect is fading away like a mist,there are several layers of existential fights.. 3I always expect the touch of […]

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Garland (Telugu Original by Vasudha Rani)

Garland Telugu Original: Vasudha Rani English Translation: Kalyani Neelarmbham I garlanded You and felt so proudBut ,look at You , You created a gardenFor me ,You sent me wild flowersFilled with fragrance.Am I a fool toPresume that you await my offerings?In return for all Your gifts ,let meFor Atleast offer my heart.You are not the […]

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The Farewell Plane (Telugu Original “Vidkolu Vimanam” by Dr K.Geeta)

The Farewell Plane Telugu Original: Dr K.Geeta English Translation: Madhuri Palaji Dark clouds are swarming in the skies outside Same as in my heart– By now… the flight you boarded Must have crossed those clouds above I didn’t know it was so easy for you to cross over Enough pain to get accustomed For two […]

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Blazing Lake (Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta)

Blazing Lake Telugu Original: Dr K.Geeta English Translation: Madhuri Palaji The modern demon swallowed her night Thousands of browser windows swirled him like a whirlpool The night to be shared equally Is limiting her only to the waiting part He doesn’t need romance in the bedroom Internet harlotry Even when the beautiful goddess is sleeping […]

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ANY THING IS EATEN HERE (Telugu Original by Jwalitha)

ANY THING IS EATEN HERE Telugu Original: Jwalitha English Translation: Dr.Lanka Siva Rama Prasad Eating is an art! Some swallow public money Some while away the properties of innocent people Some digest revolutions Some fry and eat the brains and minds… Some eat well, Starving their mothers and wives No fun it is in eating […]

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Centenary Moonlight (Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta)

Centenary Moonlight Telugu Original: Dr K.Geeta English Translation: Madhuri Palaji A tiny seed That turned into a huge tree rooted inside me– Baby fish swimming in the inherent lake– Infant sleeping in the silent chamber since nine months– Me — still being an unbreached temple And address of the sprouting smile — How are you, […]

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We too can’t breathe (Telugu Original by J.Goutham)

We too can’t breathe Telugu Original: J.Goutham English Translation: Akella Rajkumar Black sea is roaring againBlack heart is surging and hurling the clawsBlack sky is burning ablazeBlack eyes are thundering with blood shot lightningsBlack summits are joined by some white clouds too Its raining raging thunder storms onThe white empire’s hate edificeThe distraught white wolf has sought […]

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I am a mother

I AM A MOTHER -Lakshmi Devaraj I am a mother…….. Taller than you, sometimes you may feel as if I am touching the sky, But I am ready to bow down to you any time you want. I am stronger than you, may be more than 100 times in your weight , But ready to […]

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Magic mirror

 Magic mirror Telugu Original-Seela Subhadra Devi Translation –Swatee Sripada    We think something  But wee don’t know what we are When we argued for the curry or the curd  concealed for elder brother  when mother serves with affection without a word we adjust with pickle only. Even now we walk in the same footsteps  We […]

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Daughter – A bridge

Daughter – A bridge  -Dr. C. Bhavani Devi  Translation -swatee Sripada  No one produces a daughter willingly They take life from an illusion Of producing a son Daughters are always the bridges Throughout the country From small villages to huge cities Between everyone in families Daughters are the bridges Who cares the streams within them? […]

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MY PAL -Pravallika I have you so close to my heart  an’ I couldn’t guess what has separated us. May be, I was against But never felt this staid. Don’t you remember dear? We had many sweet times. I know that wasn’t so long ago An’ they are still in my memory. I only muse […]

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