
HERE I AM and other stories-14. Vasundhara’s Story

HERE I AM and other stories 14. Vasundhara’s Story Telugu Original: P.Sathyavathi English Translation: A. Suneetha Lalita woke up and looked for the milk sachet in the plastic bag hung over the outer door. Not finding it, she took out the sachet kept in the refrigerator the previous day, put it to boil, and went […]

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HERE I AM and other stories-13. The Seven Colours of a Rainbow

HERE I AM and other stories 13. The Seven Colours of a Rainbow Telugu Original: P.Sathyavathi English Translation: B. Shyamasundari Returning home after working in the vegetable garden, Swarna saw a group of women in front of her house, clustered around Premalathamma’s scooter. Neigh-bours, aunties, grandmothers – they were all there. There was invariably a […]

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HERE I AM and other stories-11. Supermom Syndrome

HERE I AM and other stories 11. Supermom Syndrome Telugu Original: P.Sathyavathi English Translation: Sujatha Gopal ‘id Anuradha stop the Wheel of Time like the mythical Sumathi who stopped the sun?’ mused Surya Rao. He sat up in bed in anxiety. ‘The Wheel of Time hasn’t stopped; Anuradha has,’ mocked the clock, chiming nine. Anuradha […]

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HERE I AM and other stories-9 Nameless

HERE I AM and other stories 9. Nameless Telugu Original: P.Sathyavathi English Translation: R. Srivatsan and Sreelakshmi Manklets and tiny gold drop earrings. She looks at them, ‘ alachmi sits on the threshold, holding silver her eyes brimming with tears. She has been sitting like this for six months. The madam in whose house she […]

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HERE I AM and other stories-8 Equations

HERE I AM and other stories 8. Equations Telugu Original: P.Sathyavathi English Translation: Raj Karamchedu How she laughed when I stood behind the camera and made crazy faces! Bachi uncle grabbed that laughter and turned the whole house into a festival of lights. Placing the sparkle of that laughter on the picture of the Niagara […]

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HERE I AM and other stories-7 Here I Am

HERE I AM and other stories 7. Here I Am Telugu Original: P.Sathyavathi English Translation: Rigobertha Prabhatha I fell in love with my face when I saw it in the mirror before going across the river. I was bursting with excitement, my heart full of the desires of life and youthful exuberance. With three colourful […]

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HERE I AM and other stories-6 Go-dhooli

HERE I AM and other stories 6. Go-dhooli Telugu Original: P.Sathyavathi English Translation: Vadrewu Panduranga Rao One Sunday afternoon, caught in a drizzle and stepping into our house, I noticed father and mother feverishly busy in the kitchen, cooking and arguing with each other. The debate did not concern cuisine – it was about our […]

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HERE I AM and other stories-5 Father

HERE I AM and other stories 5. Father Telugu Original: P.Sathyavathi English Translation: C.L.L. Jayaprada Dark clouds were gathering over the sinking sun with strong summer gales, hail and dust. Every last Sunday of the month, Amma and her friend Dr Meherunnisa used to visit the elderly in the old age home, to buy things […]

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HERE I AM and other stories-4 City of Spells and City of Charms (Part-2)

HERE I AM and other stories 4. City of Spells and City of Charms (Part-2) Telugu Original: P.Sathyavathi English Translation: Lakshmi Gudipati One morning, Anasuya was resting on her bed by the window with her daughter’s childhood slate on her chest and her eyes half-closed. Her husband was about to step out to go to […]

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Political Stories-12 What is to be done? – Part 4

Political Stories by Volga Political Stories-12 What is to be done? (Part – 4) After the groom’s family left, Annapoornamma scolded Soba and reproved her behavior. “They are the ones who ask questions and you are supposed to answer. That is our tradition. Why were you in such a hurry? Why do you care what that […]

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HERE I AM and other stories-4 City of Spells and City of Charms (Part-1)

HERE I AM and other stories 4. City of Spells and City of Charms (Part-1) Telugu Original: P.Sathyavathi English Translation: Lakshmi Gudipati I seek to uncover treasured sculptures among ancient ruins. I enrich the soil around the once mighty, hacked remains of trees, hoping desperately for new saplings to sprout from the roots. My daughter […]

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Political Stories-12 What is to be done? – Part 2

Political Stories by Volga Political Stories-12 What is to be done? (Part – 2) Santha would occasionally get anxious and unsettled that she wasn’t like Sobha. She was never content, never moder-ate; instead she was a want-it-all person. And how many problems she had to face because of that! How much tur-moil! Her folks would […]

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HERE I AM and other stories-3 A Prince and a Princess

HERE I AM and other stories 3. A Prince and a Princess Telugu Original: P.Sathyavathi English Translation: C.L.L. Jayaprada Vasantha laughed loudly, chatting with Aruna who was in the USA, the song from the music system at her side virtually shaking the earth. Vasundhara came into the room, yelling, ‘I’ve been calling you for the […]

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HERE I AM and other stories-2 Damayanti’s Daughter (Part-2)

HERE I AM and other stories 2. Damayanti’s Daughter (Part-2) Telugu Original: P.Sathyavathi English Translation: Sashi Kumar Anuradha ma’am was reading aloud ‘The Forsaken Merman’ written by Mathew Arnold: Call once yet In a voice that she will know: ‘Margaret! Margaret!’ (Call once more) to a mother’s ear; Children’s voices should be dear Children’s voices, […]

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Political Stories-12 What is to be done? – Part 1

Political Stories by Volga Political Stories-12 What is to be done? (Part – 1) Deeply engaged in her writing, Santha was distracted by the sound of someone approaching and lifted her head. Finding that it was Mohan, a research officer she had hired to help with her work, she was annoyed. It had been about […]

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HERE I AM and other stories-1 The Thieving Cat

HERE I AM and other stories 1. The Thieving Cat Telugu Original: P.Sathyavathi English Translation: Sashi Kumar Keen to reach home before the scheduled power cut, Seetaratnam took a shared auto to her bus stop. She got down from the bus and hurried to her house all out of breath. Her spirits lifted on seeing her […]

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Political Stories- 11Elections – Part 1

Political Stories by Volga Political Stories-11 Elections – Part 1 The envelopes handed to the lecturers as they arrived at the college caused quite a stir. Male lecturers were asking each other about the villages they were assigned to, reminiscing about their past experiences and recalling the facilities available in those villages. The female lecturers […]

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Political Stories- 4 shut up!

Political Stories by Volga Political Stories-4 shut up!           shut up! Shut Up!As the words kept ringing in her head, Janaki covered her ears with her hands. The words weren’t new to her, she had been hearing them for years. Someone or the other had been telling her to shut up […]

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Political Stories-1 Sita’s braid

Political Stories by Volga Political Stories-1 Sita’s braid Sita collects the clumps of fallen hair and holds them securely under her big toe. Whenever she combs her hair, so much comes loose. A month ago she came down with a serious illness. Although her sixty-year-old body has since gradually regained strength, her hair continues to […]

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Political Stories (Intro)

Political Stories by Volga Translator’s Foreword In the author’s introduction Volga offers an explanation for the urgent tone of her short stories and situates her writing and its thematic concerns in relation to Telugu culture and literary tradition. It is in order to facilitate access to and appreciation of these stories for such a reader […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-18 (“Amigas” Story) (Telugu Original “Amigas” by Dr K.Geeta)

Silicon Loya Sakshiga-18 AMIGAS -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar Surya left Nidhi at summer school and went to the office in the morning. The sunlight is as bright as a thousand electric lights outside. As it is a July morning, it is warm and pleasant. There seems to be a […]

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Political Stories (Intro)

Political Stories by Volga Author’s Foreword- Part-2 It is necessary for us to recognize today that the same relationship that exists between our hands and our brain in carrying out a task, exists between the body and mind. We should stress that our mind is not separate from our body. Women rarely realize that they […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-17 (“Phoenix” Story) (Telugu Original “Phoenix” by Dr K.Geeta)

Silicon Loya Sakshiga-17 Phoenix -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar A pleasant morning of the first week of August. Redwood trees in the park seem to be praying to the sun, raising their branches of arms.   The footway in the standing trees wrapped like a snake around the park. Wearing […]

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Political Stories (Intro)

Political Stories by Volga Author’s Foreword The choice of the title for this anthology of short stories Political Stories -may surprise many. When one looks at the titles of the stories included in this collection, such as “Sita’s Braid,” “Eyes,” and “Nose-Stud,” it is only natural to ask why the anthology had to be given […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-16 (“Repair in America” Story) (Telugu Original “Repair in America” by Dr K.Geeta)

Repair in America -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar When Surya first came on a business trip to America, He asked me “What gift do you want me to bring from America? It’s been two months since Nidhi was born. Those were not the days with cell phones with powerful cameras. […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-15 (“Childcare” Story) (Telugu Original ” Childcare” by Dr K.Geeta)

CHILDCARE -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar Alicia’s youngest daughter Maria phoned in the morning. “Here’s a free class on “Child care” from a reputed college on the elementary school campus. Will you come too?” “Child care You mean?” I curiously asked. “It’s a qualification for some jobs in this country, […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-14 ( “Live a Life” Story) (Telugu Original “Live a Life” by Dr K.Geeta)

LIVE A LIFE -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar “Excuse me, would you please lend me your book for today, my amazon order takes one week, I’ll get you it by tomorrow,” Gouri asked the elder one in the class on the very first day. I held out my hand to […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-13 ( “Laptop Story Part2” Story) (Telugu Original “Laptop Story Part2” by Dr K.Geeta)

Laptop -2 -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar Surya calls from the office. “Insurers asked us to come tomorrow to have the repair to the windshield.  Can you go? I have meetings all week.” The voice sounded like he was upset to be doing all this to himself. I said “OK” […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-12 ( “Laptop Story Part1” Story) (Telugu Original “Laptop Story Part1” by Dr K.Geeta)

Laptop -1 -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar Surya woke me up in a hurry on Sunday, saying, “Did you forget my promise to Nidhi to show the San Francisco Natural History Museum today?” It’s drizzling outside. “Oh! Is it really necessary on a rainy day like this?” I said lazily. […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-11 ( “Open House-2” Story) (Telugu Original “Open House-2” by Dr K.Geeta)

OPEN HOUSE -2 -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar “How would it be if we buy a house?” Surya said, dashing home from the office. I couldn’t believe my ears. I thought I heard something wrong. “What?!” I exclaimed. “My office colleagues are talking a lot about purchasing houses,” said Surya. […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-10 ( “Open House-1” Story) (Telugu Original “Open House-1” by Dr K.Geeta)

OPEN HOUSE -1 -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar “Jessica wants me with her in searching open houses this Saturday evening” I said. “Uhm..m” Surya nodded. “Not simply, ‘Uhm…’ Knew what Open house means?” I said. “What…?!” He said, not disrupting his computer work. “The house sellers let the houses open […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-9 ( “Single Mom” Story) (Telugu Original “Single Mom” by Dr K.Geeta)

Single Mom -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar I’ve been conversing on the phone with Alecia even though it’s been a year since I left that apartment. She speaks in Spanish from her side, I use English whether she could understand it or not, yet, I continue to talk with her […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-8 ( “Ill Health & Insurance” Story) (Telugu Original “Ill Health & Insurance” by Dr K.Geeta)

Ill Health & Insurance -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar Surya asked,” What insurance plan have you selected for us?” “Oops! I forgot that issue!” he bit his lip and said, ” Just I’ll see; it’s more compatible if we see it together.” I went through the process in two minutes […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-7 ( “Homeless” Story) (Telugu Original “Homeless” by Dr K.Geeta)

HOME LESS -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar “I’m sorry, aren’t I late?” I said, gasping heavily, as I walked briskly. Karuna said, “No worries, I’ve no college today.” “Libraries here are so exquisite! Racks are free from dust, spacious reading rooms; I love these libraries rather than our at home,” […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-6 ( “Food-Waste Food” Story) (Telugu Original “Food-Waste Food” by Dr K.Geeta)

Food – Waste Food -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by Madhuri Palaji “Oh my God! Apple Tree,” I almost ran towards the tree. “I always wanted to see an apple tree. I imagined each apple hanging from each branch like a mango tree. But this looks like a Guava tree. But the bunches […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-5 (“Driving License” Story) (Telugu Original “Driving License” by Dr K.Geeta)

Driving – License -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by Madhuri Palaji When I talked about the driving license again, Surya got embarrassed. If you want to know why, you must know the story of Surya’s Driving License. Surya came to America two month before I came. He started trying to get the driving […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-4 (College Story) (Telugu Original “College Story” by Dr K.Geeta)

College Story -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by Madhuri Palaji “‘Como estas?’ means ‘How are you?’ in Spanish,” said Maria. She was standing in the verandah talking to her mom when she saw me coming from the shop. She came to me and hugged me affectionately. Maria is Alicia’s eldest daughter. She works […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-3 (Dependent America) (Telugu Original “Dependent America” by Dr K.Geeta)

Dependent America -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by Madhuri Palaji Evening is shining brightly with the diagonal rays. It looks warm outside when we look from the glass windows from inside the home, but actually, the wind is blowing fast and it’s very cold. The Moon in the sky is chasing away the […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-2 (Work from home) (Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta)

Work from Home -Telugu Original by DrK.Geeta -English Translation by Madhuri Palaji Surya is coming home early. When he saw that our daughter and I were in a deep sleep, he woke me up saying, “Chintu, Can you make some tea for me?” “You call me ‘Chintu’ lovingly and then you are asking me to […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-1 (Spanissh- Ishhh) (Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta)

Spanish… Ishhhh -Telugu Original by DrK.Geeta -English Translation by Madhuri Palaji It’s been a week since we moved to America. Surya was going to the office in the morning with a lunch box and returning by six in the evening. ‘Why don’t you go to the park for a nice walk instead of lazing around […]

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