Need of the hour -55 Speaking skillsJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -54 Swami VivekanandaJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -53 Writing SkillsJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -52 A Story from Hindu MythologyJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -51 India/ Bharat ..Its Future..J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -50 Tale of two birdsJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -49 SalesmanshipJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -48 Back to schoolJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hour,అయిదవ వార్షికోత్సవ సంచికNeed of the hour -47 Higher secondary School level preparation strategies for math’sJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -46 Higher Secondary School level preparation strategies for- Science- 2J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -45 Higher Secondary School level preparation strategies for- Science-1J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -44 Secondary strategies for mathJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -43 Scientific way towards scienceJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -42 Secondary level preparation strategies for ScienceJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -41 Kindergarten MathJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -40 Invade self to Innovate selfJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -39 Women is multifaceted..J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -38 Science teaches sense of well beingJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -37 Is Life a beautiful gift! Think..J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -36 Retirement TherapiesJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hour,చతుర్థ వార్షిక సంచికNeed of the hour -35 RetirementJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -34 World needs more LeadersJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -33 Self-Reliant WomenJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -32 How to write a small start-up business planJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -31 Smart Start-up Business PlanJ.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -30 (Astrology- A Rescue Science) Part – 2J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -29 (Astrology- A Rescue Science) Part – 1J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -28 (OUR INNERSELF – ADVAITA)J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -27 (Play way method to teach lessons in EVS)J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -26 (Ethical Economics)J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -25 (IS LIFE A JOURNEY!!!….A conflict with oneself,, may be yes..)J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -24 (Tweak the news columns…)J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hour,తృతీయ వార్షిక సంచికNeed of the hour -23 (Graffiti, A silent menace in schools)J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -22 (C-SEE- SEA, Yes! See the change!)J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -21 (Pandemic, It’s Impact… Let’s think!!!!!)J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -20J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -19J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -18J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -17J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -16J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -15J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -14J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -13J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -12J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hour,ద్వితీయ వార్షిక సంచిక,ద్వితీయ వార్షిక సంచిక రచనలుNeed of the hour -11J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -10J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -9J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -8J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -7J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -6J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -5J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -4J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -3J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -2J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hourNeed of the hour -1J.P Bharathi -Columns,Neccheli-English,Need of the hour,ప్రథమ వార్షిక సంచిక