
Bruised, but not Broken (poems) – 8. Morning Star

Bruised, but not Broken (poems) -Challapalli Swarooparani  8. Morning Star Rising with the morning star Sweeping darkness away with a broom That girl draws patterns of brightness… As she washes dishes the sun rises from her beads of sweat. Amidst the chirping of birds. As she cleans everyone’s filth with her tender fingers That wonderful […]

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Bruised, but not Broken (poems) – 6. Untouchable Assault

Bruised, but not Broken (poems) -Challapalli Swarooparani  6. Untouchable Assault This is ‘untouchable Sunitha’ speaking: From long ago ― Forgotten by you all In this country, just as there is ― untouchable hunger untouchable exploitation, untouchable suicides untouchable rape too exists. I swear by my love for Yogeswar Reddy That mine is certainly an Untouchable […]

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Bruised, but not Broken (poems) – 3. Water

Bruised, but not Broken (poems) -Challapalli Swarooparani  3. Water Just as water knows the ground’s incline, It knows the generations-old strife Between village and wada Like dampness on the well’s edge that never dries, It knows that untouchability never disappears. Water knows everything. It knows race The difference between the woman from Samaria and Jesus, […]

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Bruised, but not Broken (poems) – 2. An Ethnic Dream

Bruised, but not Broken (poems) -Challapalli Swarooparani  2. An Ethnic Dream The criss-crossed entangled forest seemsTo have gathered its hair neatly into a knot.Swallowed by a corporate whaleThat spits them out in the centre of Shilparamam*Small huts in deep sleep amidst green treesAppear doll houses with lime patternsAlluring. Nose studs, beaded necklaces, mirror blouses ofThe […]

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Bruised, but not Broken (poems)

Bruised, but not Broken (poems) -Challapalli Swarooparani  ‘ Memory as an Ideology ‘           Challapalli Swaroopa Rani uses memory not only as a technique but also as an ideology. Her selective memory carefully constructs the people and the milestones in her life and collates this personal memory with her memory of […]

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Bruised, but not Broken (poems)

Bruised, but not Broken (poems) -Challapalli Swarooparani  ‘ THE PAIN OF BEING A PART APART ‘           This collection of 35 poems written by Prof Challapalli Swaroopa Rani now translated in to English, are eye-openers into the unspeakable experiences of Dalits not only in Andhra but all over India. These poems […]

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Bruised, but not Broken (poems)

Bruised, but not Broken (poems) -Challapalli Swarooparani  My Word           By and large the feminist movement in India has been about patriarchal oppression, experienced by dominant castes and middle class educated/urban women – gender discrimination: unequal man-woman relationships; undemocratic family system; burden of child-rearing and hardship of domestic chores as women […]

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