
Silicon Loya Sakshiga-14 ( “Live a Life” Story) (Telugu Original “Live a Life” by Dr K.Geeta)

LIVE A LIFE -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar “Excuse me, would you please lend me your book for today, my amazon order takes one week, I’ll get you it by tomorrow,” Gouri asked the elder one in the class on the very first day. I held out my hand to […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-13 ( “Laptop Story Part2” Story) (Telugu Original “Laptop Story Part2” by Dr K.Geeta)

Laptop -2 -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar Surya calls from the office. “Insurers asked us to come tomorrow to have the repair to the windshield.  Can you go? I have meetings all week.” The voice sounded like he was upset to be doing all this to himself. I said “OK” […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-12 ( “Laptop Story Part1” Story) (Telugu Original “Laptop Story Part1” by Dr K.Geeta)

Laptop -1 -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar Surya woke me up in a hurry on Sunday, saying, “Did you forget my promise to Nidhi to show the San Francisco Natural History Museum today?” It’s drizzling outside. “Oh! Is it really necessary on a rainy day like this?” I said lazily. […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-11 ( “Open House-2” Story) (Telugu Original “Open House-2” by Dr K.Geeta)

OPEN HOUSE -2 -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar “How would it be if we buy a house?” Surya said, dashing home from the office. I couldn’t believe my ears. I thought I heard something wrong. “What?!” I exclaimed. “My office colleagues are talking a lot about purchasing houses,” said Surya. […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-10 ( “Open House-1” Story) (Telugu Original “Open House-1” by Dr K.Geeta)

OPEN HOUSE -1 -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar “Jessica wants me with her in searching open houses this Saturday evening” I said. “Uhm..m” Surya nodded. “Not simply, ‘Uhm…’ Knew what Open house means?” I said. “What…?!” He said, not disrupting his computer work. “The house sellers let the houses open […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-9 ( “Single Mom” Story) (Telugu Original “Single Mom” by Dr K.Geeta)

Single Mom -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar I’ve been conversing on the phone with Alecia even though it’s been a year since I left that apartment. She speaks in Spanish from her side, I use English whether she could understand it or not, yet, I continue to talk with her […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-8 ( “Ill Health & Insurance” Story) (Telugu Original “Ill Health & Insurance” by Dr K.Geeta)

Ill Health & Insurance -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar Surya asked,” What insurance plan have you selected for us?” “Oops! I forgot that issue!” he bit his lip and said, ” Just I’ll see; it’s more compatible if we see it together.” I went through the process in two minutes […]

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Silicon Loya Sakshiga-7 ( “Homeless” Story) (Telugu Original “Homeless” by Dr K.Geeta)

HOME LESS -Telugu Original by Dr K.Geeta -English Translation by V.Vijaya Kumar “I’m sorry, aren’t I late?” I said, gasping heavily, as I walked briskly. Karuna said, “No worries, I’ve no college today.” “Libraries here are so exquisite! Racks are free from dust, spacious reading rooms; I love these libraries rather than our at home,” […]

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