
Walking on the edge of a river poems-12 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-12 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 12. Silent brightness Green color We recall the leaves but I realized only when I read the nature book here The trees decorate on their entire body That So many hues of colors And fills their […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-11 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-11 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 11. A light of letters When wanted to bloom as a flower Mind was caught in the fences of thorns When wished to give as a gift of love Mind became a sacrifice to the world […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-10 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-10 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 10. My mother used to be there…… My mother used to be black in colour But she had a cool mind My mother had long hair But still always moved with knotted hair My mother used […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-9 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-9 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 9. Value For what this earning Losing the life For only caterings and interior decorations With vast palaces … pubs…raves Whom to capture spreading a net and how long? Have we remembered what we ate yesterday? […]

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