
Walking on the edge of a river poems-30 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-30 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi A black mother But her dreams are Always red But the experiences in life are Black … pitch black … When an infant takes birth No color suits the pain of a mother On entire path […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-29 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-29 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi Niagara, a new feel Like you I am also is a part of nature Still, How come I cannot blend with it Without any concern of Any country, time and zone Without counting the sects or […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-28 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-28 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi Definition Now and thenIf we can go far away from everyoneIn fact, the meaning of life would be understood.Though we have desires, love and hatredWhat id we have nothing can be understood Let any number of […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-27 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-27 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi Inner kindling Nothing hides But with a silence Hundreds of days of peace History of silence Nothing we can have in stories we read My silence of that time A helplessness It’s a line on my […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-26 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-26 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi The dust of time Memory means Isn’t flowing into the past? How sweet it would be That level sad also In the layers of dust piled up On the leaf of life Dimmed waves of silent […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-25 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-24 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 25.Recognition To his mother also His father had given the recognition All his pride Its about his recognition only So, he discards in that way He says his recognition is mine Except that, he says, I […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-24 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-24 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 24.Soaring high He becomes so egoistic But in fact, never realizes The nature as a teacher Man, without wings Roving in the sky means To teach a lesson that Even to the dream that melts away […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-23 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-23 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 23.How many? How many clouds are required To bear the burden of my tears How many oceans are needed To connect the roar of my heart How many forests are desired? To hide the darkness of […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-22 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-22 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 22.Separately … Separating is not only For humans It’s a habit of the soil and To the rivers, mountains, and oceans Finally, to the sky also Not only To the fragrances and to the winds of […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-21 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-21 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 21.Remaining nest Entire home Again carries the silent vacuum Till yesterday The waves of naughty words Just in a night The aerial roots of shadows of Silent tempest To a part of my womb Who migrated […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-20 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-20 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 20.Memories of floods In the revolution of galaxies of centuries From endless circles of earth If the name is heard once again In childhood Crossing over the heads That went away cursing the heaps of dead […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-19 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-19 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 19. A kitchen poem To write a poem Caught in the kitchen cabinet Struggled and jumped On the stove and committed suicide When doing Puri Crushed between two hands To my inability to hold the pen […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-18 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-18 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 18. For me Separated from its mother When it was brought I became its mother Unable to walk slithering and walking Looking scared woofing When looking for milk I gave it the milk bottle Just moving […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-17 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-17 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 17. Again mother The home without you Its like a burning globe in the vacuum From the coffee filter welcoming in the morning To the good night the lights in the night Everything searches for you […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-16 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-16 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 16. A river means a stream A river means a stream only Anywhere that sounds like this only Scrubbing the stones and tuning them To understand the singing music of the river That sort of wetness […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-15 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-15 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 15.The wet land of spring Though I forgot to tell my address Spring rushed as a stream of happiness Raised to its head with crores of desires The baskets of new whims and fancies Spread on […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-14 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-14 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 14.The island of tears Leaving forever born and brought up country Changing the names of the roots of ancestors Packing the heap of dreams Migrating to a distant country To any anyone…at anytime Is nothing but […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-13 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-13 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 13.Unknown Not only the people here Even trees and flowers are unknown Water and Fire, wind and sky with soil We feel, are the same everywhere But Here in water cold fire kindles Even sunlight also […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-12 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-12 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 12. Silent brightness Green color We recall the leaves but I realized only when I read the nature book here The trees decorate on their entire body That So many hues of colors And fills their […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-11 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-11 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 11. A light of letters When wanted to bloom as a flower Mind was caught in the fences of thorns When wished to give as a gift of love Mind became a sacrifice to the world […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-10 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-10 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 10. My mother used to be there…… My mother used to be black in colour But she had a cool mind My mother had long hair But still always moved with knotted hair My mother used […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-9 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-9 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 9. Value For what this earning Losing the life For only caterings and interior decorations With vast palaces … pubs…raves Whom to capture spreading a net and how long? Have we remembered what we ate yesterday? […]

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Walking on the edge of a river poems-8 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-8 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi 8. Ash From the word bullets targeted at night Wind slowly sprouts It dawns very soon A desire to write a happy poem As if a thorn pierced into the pen Isn’t it the poetry to […]

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